Wednesday, 31 August 2011

You know it's true

Everything I do, I do it for you...

There were extended periods of my life up until a few years ago when everything I did was for someone else's benefit and not mine. I was a people pleaser because I assumed that if I kept making other people happy it might rub off on me at some point. As you should have guessed by now, that is no longer the case. I've learnt that there is a fine dividing line between so many opposites and so many similarities between them too.

Unrequited love for instance... Is all consuming and destructive, but unconditional love is also all consuming in that it fills you up entirely. Instead of leaving you emotionally damaged and lonely, unconditional love frees us from the bonds of traditional romantic love in a way that is neither selfish or unselfish. Rather than being totally out for myself, looking out for number one as I have seen in so many people, you DO finally realise that your responsibility IS to yourself first when you are able to love in this truly exceptional way.

I always did things for myself only under the condition that it was for someone else first...

An example would be looking after myself properly, in the back of my mind was that if I was healthy, looked good, did all the 'right things' then obviously the person I had feelings for would love me. But to do that meant not being myself, as couples often do when they first meet. Dating advice would suggest that you often have to be on your best behaviour to attract a mate, which is a falacy because to do so means that they aren't gonna meet the real you until much later. The end of a relationship is nigh once two people have given up the facade that they created when they first met.

One way to escape from this cycle is to test yourself, to prove to yourself that you are worth something. Self esteem is constantly talked about and the line that you have to 'love yourself before you can love someone else' as cliched as it is, is so true. The pendulum swings that we all insist on until we are in balance cause us to sway from one position to the other, from self loathing to pride which comes before a fall. Whenever I was feeling on top of the world, the next instant would be the fall from grace. The position I'm in at the moment is that having tested myself and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am a good person and worth knowing, I now feel happier, more content and frankly comfortable in my own skin.

To get to that situation I had to go to rock bottom square one and build up from there, which is a terrible waste of so many years. In our society we choose when to grow up, there is no recognised coming of age ceremony apart from the expected pissup on your eighteenth birthday, which in most cases is a farce because the majority of us have been getting drunk for years by the time that milestone comes along... ;) We just carry on as we did before until events cause us to grow and change, rather than voluntarily going through the necessary processes to get there without so much pain and I hasten to add, much sooner than our eighteenth birthday. In all cultures apart from so called 'modern western society' puberty marks the transition from childhood to adulthood.

This makes sense because you are capable of adult thinking and behaviour aswell as sexual reproduction from the age that those primal changes are completed, not a fixed point in time but a biological clock within us that is different for each individual. That's the first area in which we have lost the plot. The rest of the story is far more interesting but we ignore it and hold on to all of our childish ways until the last possible minute, and in many many many cases, including my own, for as long as we can in a bitter struggle not to lose whatever it is that we think we will...

Because of our fear of what we might gain, or a denial of our responsibility to ourselves to grow.

I still have a very selfless attitude, in that I have often found myself thinking of things to do for other people that will enrich their lives, ways to improve a situation at work or at home. I have never and don't ever think about myself or what I will get out of doing such good work until much later when what I 'get out of it' occurs to me and I wonder were my motives truly ultruistic at the time. They were of course because otherwise I would have taken my just desserts into account and decided that I didn't deserve to benefit in such a way in the past. Now that I have that inner child and my inner critic silenced and in a unconditionally loving embrace, to an extent anyway as it's a process made more difficult by our own power to choose the time and place ;) and it's having been so long overdue, I am at peace...

To assume is to make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'

Predatory animals exhibit the ability to think like their prey, it's how they are able to anticipate their behaviour and then hunt them down. We share this mental landscape. We are able to put ourselves in someone else's shoes. We often find it easy to guess what someone we know very well will do in a given situation, or say for that matter. In fact one of the great things about a close relationship is that you often say the same thing at the same time and there are many other examples of the way in which we are able to project from ourselves onto another or vice versa. We are able to guess what another mind is thinking, and we do it all day long.

But where we fall down is when we assume too much...

I often hear people say that they are bemused, frustrated or even angered by the choices that another individual makes. That's because they are them and you are you.

Get over it, grow up.

If you are granted the power to make your own choices, realise that so are they.

No ammount of inner wrangling is going to get your point across but you spend fucking ages moaning on to other people about that thing they said or that thing they did or didn't say or do.

Talk to them! Fucking open your gob and express what you are feeling. Don't keep waiting for them to guess why you are upset or work it out on their own or you may be waiting at that particular bus stop until hell freezes over.

If the only way you can get attention is to annoy then why do you think that will get the reaction you desire? I find it amusing to ignore such attempts if I can, and if not I try to make sure that you don't know that it's working ;) I wouldn't want to give you the satisfaction...

I'm waiting myself, for you to get to the point of desperation because it's a fine line again here.

You only seem to get increasingly miserable until you want some company but the kind you attract in that state is, more miserable people. Get happy, and if you don't know how, ask for help. I can't volunteer my services because ultimately you always throw them back in my face, your ego won't allow you to be vulnerable enough to accept that I may have something to teach you and you something just as important to teach me. These occasions are never one sided. There is always something for me to get out of it, that is the intensely pure unconditionally loving feeling of having done the right thing, a good turn, a good deed.

If you could only realise that and find the courage to accept that doing right by you does right by me too. If you have to do as I did and pretend that you are doing this for me or whoever it is that you care for but are convinced shouldn't care for you, then so be it. Tell yourself that you must do whatever it takes to make yourself the person you need to be to get whatever or whoever it is that you want, and you'll keep running on that same treadmill that I was on. It's going to be speeding up until you learn to take control of it yourself...

I rarely find myself looking back over my shoulder anymore or looking too far forward.

I'm moving on at a sustainable pace towards a future that I can barely concieve of.

Content to make the most of the beautiful surroundings I find myself in now.

You're going down. You're not taking me with you. Here is my hand...

There's nothing special about me, unless there is about you too.
Light & Love

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Shamanism – the ancient blueprint of the spiritual path

I didn't know some of this and couldn't have said any of it better,

Thanks Tim

Light & Love



An article by Tim Strachan


Ask me about using this article on your site or publication—I will agree if the autobiographical tag at the bottom is kept exactly as it is.

A case could be made that shamanism is the blueprint of all spiritual paths. The amazing thing about shamanism is that across many cultures, across 300 centuries (yes, 30000 years!), across all continents, the methods, processes, beliefs and symbols used in shamanism have been pretty much the same. In other words, a Siberian shaman or initiate of 10000 years ago was performing rituals based on beliefs and undergoing ordeals which a Amazonian shaman of today would largely recognise. The similarities between these groups of people and their practices are much greater than the differences, in all cases. This suggests an internal human ‘landscape’ or ‘mentalscape’ which is not random or pathological, but which is hard wired into the human identity. We all share a common human spiritual heritage (as well as a genome and a psychological heritage), which is constantly urging us to go down those paths of spiritual development which are awaiting us with signposts along the way. Carl Jung’s version of this was called the ‘collective unconscious’ but it seems to go beyond what he had in mind.

Crazy like a shaman

The essence of the shamanic path is that only the shaman-to-be is crazy or wise enough to submit himself to the unavoidable ordeals that must await him (and we are all shamans-in-waiting!). Those ordeals are designed to use every trick in the book of the gods, including apparent banishment to the Underworld, to break the sense of self of the initiate, so that a greater sense of self can take its place along with a greater understanding and power in this world.

The Underworld

The archetype of the shaman/hero’s journey is essentially this: he has to descend to the Underworld, to be annihilated, to surrender, to seize certain gifts and re-emerge in this world with new powers of vision, healing and understanding. The shaman has spoken with the gods, and they have breathed a new life into him, and sent him back again. Unless he gets stuck…in the Underworld… If he’s lucky, he’ll eventually be ‘rescued’ as the myths describe (Orpheus, Osiris, etc.).

The shaman is known as the technician of ecstasy, the one who can change his state of mind at will, the seer, the one who sees further, the one who speaks with the gods and the animals, and … the crazy one. He is the one who identifies himself with the cosmos/universe, and not with the separate body-mind which we are all struggling with on a daily basis.

We are all shamans

The shaman’s way is a dramatic, public, mythic version of what happens to all of us, in different ways, at different paces. The essence of the spiritual path, at all its stops along the way, is this single fact – sooner or later, the life in us (the life that we are) forces us to grow beyond the constrictions of our current world (our beliefs, our practices, our sense of self, etc.). A crisis ensues. Our open-ended human system is thrown into a fertile chaos. In that chaos, we appear to be suffering, and we are! This creates the conditions for a letting go, a surrender of what we’ve been, and if we’re lucky then magically, we transform into a being which is somehow larger, more inclusive, able to identify with … more.

Said another way, we are constantly in the process of shedding skins, growing, whether we like it or not. We can learn the lesson of letting go gracefully of the old (including the old sense of self) and move smoothly through the levels which await us, or we can panic, become rigid, get stuck where we are. It is uncomfortable being stuck on a slippery dip, and it takes a lot of energy to maintain the grip! Can you imagine a child that decides it will not emerge from the womb at the appointed time? Mother and Doctor will surely help it along, the easy way or the hard way…

However, there is no doubt that fear causes us many times to panic, to hold on, and in short to become very stuck. This requires a lot of energy to maintain, energy that is being diverted from the proper channels of growth, and eventually something has got to give. Either we let go, or we get sick, dis-eased, and possibly die. And/or we become mentally unstable, neurotic, even psychotic as a way of applying pressure to ourselves to move on.

The times of death, dying, birth, giving birth are all chaotic moments, opportunities to move through that fertile chaos into an identification with the greater universe… But we are always being given opportunities, usually through crisis, to move to the next level of our journey. And often that appears at first to be downwards…into the Underworld where our shadows live and wait to be brought up into the light.


‘The Strong Eye of Shamanism - A Journey into the Caves of Consciousness’
By Robert E Ryan

The Stormy Search for the Self
by Stan and Christine Grof

‘Beyond Death’
by Stan and Christine Grof

Tim Strachan’s background includes a degree in Mathematics and Science, para-medical training, and much training and experience in alternative therapies and Energy Psychology. He has a natural therapy practice, and trains people to become proficient in dealing with their issues on the physical/mental/emotional levels and beyond.

Contact him at, and see his websites at , , and

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

You Rule Ko

Ownership NO MORE. Partnership...
Addiction NO MORE. Content...
Behaving NO MORE. Being...
Rules NO MORE. Rights...
Hate NO MORE. Love...

I've ummed and ahhed about whether I should write about saturday night and what to write and also what to leave out. I haven't finished digesting it but I have ended up doing so earlier than I planned so as usual I should just go with the flow and roll with the punches not stand my ground.

Normally I might temper the words I choose because of the perceived audience and it's often the case that events are either the subject at hand almost entirely or something from the past now caught out in bright daylight at its hour of culmination...

I spoke to someone and by doing so was able to communicate with their rational mind. Reaching it was difficult, I was very tempted to decide that this person was not my problem and pass them around the houses to resolve my own sense of frustration by avoiding the situation.

On his second visit, it was clear that I could not just go silently into the good night, but had to gently acost our new friend, gather an ally I could trust and work together towards a resolution. Slowly by discussing home and friends and passions we met and agreed to disagree.

I saw my friend the next day, still very excitable, still wired. Possibly not wired up right but which of us are entirely. The dividing line is blurry, most of us tread carefully if not haphazardly along it. Totally Happy... Totally Depressed. Up. Down. One minute this the next that.

Solid. Firm. Foundations.

Before you can build anything that will last, you need to ensure the security of the site.

Your site is you. Around is your vision. As you designed it. As you see it. As you wanted it.

Grow up.

Admit it.

You will.

You rule.

"...when other people don't live up to your expectations, the reason they don't seem to care is that they were YOUR expectations... Don't have any, just hopes and dreams, and you'll find it less disappointing when the whole of creation decides not to go and fit in with your little plan." ;)

Light &

Monday, 22 August 2011

What's in a name?

What's in a name?

Why do you get upset when someone can't remember your name?

Surely you should be flattered that they remember you at all...

Names are labels just like all the rest of the mumbojumbo.

That we call the world yet it's a construction of the mind.

The world is not only names but faces, not words but language.

Communication shouldn't be merely a transfer of your thoughts out.

But an opportunity for both people to learn something about themselves.

But more importantly, about each other, because you mirror me, and I you.

By how they treat the other one in that moment starting with their intentions.

Is it to express what they think or want or pride, no, you need to listen inside & out.

Looking on the bright side isn't about lying to yourself that everything is fine and dandy.

You honestly appraise the moment you found yourself living in for what it means to you.

Stop looking outside for something or someone to complete you and finish what started.

The day you popped out and wahhed the first time and began a life of complaining daily.

Instead of being grateful and using the power of intention you fall back on habits & ruts.

One individual can truly make a change in your life and that's you if only you'll let yourself...

Forget what you read, forget what you're told, forget what you think, FEEL HOW YOU FEEL...

I remember you, some from yesterday, some from last week, last month, last year, last lives.

That's the point, to start to remember things that have been long forgotten if they are worth it.

And to forget anything that isn't because it won't be around for us fairly soon if not next week.


I'm ruined phsyically, I sometimes wonder if I was a horse in a previous incarnation as I have such an afinity with them (grampy being an Ostler might have summat to do with it) though I think I could push and work myself right up until the point at which I expired. I know I gave the most I could to everyone that I was meant to in terms of my time, my love, my attention, my enthusiasm, healing, patience, discipline, joy, affection... I received as much as I deserved.

It's no good being totally unselfish or vice versa. Make time for everything, spread yourself thin.

But evenly.

To give as good as you get would be standard, but it's far better and easier to get as good as you give.

That sunset on Saturday night is going to be etched in my memory for eternity...

Light & Love

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Let it go let it all go

My shoulders are a lot lighter like a weights been lifted from them. Not the kind that you can put down at night but the sort you've been shuftin' for nigh on eternity. Everything is lighter. Sometimes it feels like it's a struggle to keep my feet on the ground and my head from the clouds. And they said, they do though don't they though?, that I did that too much when I was younger.

What they, didn't realise is that we have all got a stake in something wider than widescreen, extra than XXXL, summat so unfeasibly gyyyygyyyygyyyygyyyyyynormouse that it's almost unspeakably heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwge, infinitely massively grotesquelylyly big...

Our share is defined by our need. If you want the biggest stake you can get you'll get squat.

If you'd like to take the miminum options available, you'll get diddly.

If you buy in on equal terms with everyone else, all.




How does that work?

Well.... it's a bit like that scene in a beautiful mind. The idea behind it, means that you could get a stock market system setup whereby all the participants are on an equal footing. The quantum computer at its heart would be able to fairly, FAIRLY divide all transactions between all firms and clients / customers. Everyone would win, every time, period.

I probably blew the explanation but that was my understanding. In the film he used the blonde girl and her brunette friends in a bar as a metaphor. If anyone goes for the blonde, no-one will get with her friends... so they must all settle for second prize but everyone wins hence 'gaming theory'. Crass but that's the direct way that he dealt with people, some see the world a little differently. More pragmatically... I think it may become a byword along with basically but only for a while, after that there'll be spiritually, energetically, upliftingly...

Never been very that, the word even hurts to say or think, say it in a scouse accent


I'm doing my bit
Light &

18 years later

I just realised the reason why I've wasted most of the last eighteen years. Not really but it's a dramatic way to say that something has been revealed through a new connection in my life. The things that have happened in the last week or two have been truly amazing. As I keep saying though, astonishment is denial masquerading as surprise, so I try not to be too shocked and hang on for the wild ride. You see I naturally without any knowledge or thought as to the consequences, performed a kundalini massage on my first love. The result was the awakening (not only of the kundalini energy at the base of the spine) but of a whole host of issues all at once and the eventual transformation that happens when someone becomes the living testament to the phrase 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger'. I'm trying to suggest that all of the events in those days would have happened without my involvement, perhaps in a different order or timetable but I'm not so sure, I know I saved a life at least twice in my youth, here and there. Didn't we all? Maybe as I hope now looking back, what I did was a positive thing in this instance, when I know it was and have done for years. I'd held on to more than I realised, in the way that you compare everyone to your first, everything to your first, your first this, that, and the other...

My gift is as a healer. My Camino helped, re-taught me that. I've only just gotten to the point that I now know for certain why I felt I couldn't seek that path out before and why I must now...

To be fair it felt like suddenly the whole of the last mumble.. cough splutter ahem18years made sense at last. Like the end of a movie and there's a twist... It was a very nice moment or twelve.

Thanks S. X

Light &

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Hour of the Wolf - easily lead

Hour of the wolf

I saw the wolf in the dog
The girl in the woman
The boy in the man
Then the mask

Hour of the easily lead

We don't want anything to escallate. Neither an over or an under reaction. Measured.

Balance is an over used word, on balance, a balanced approach to everything. Balanced.

I'm hoping that the stimuli around us now are the ones that lead to an increasingly accelerating pace of positive change. What seem like little things we can ignore don't do the trick, people often wait to see what others will do first before they will even react themselves if at all. Don't wait. If you feel like making a change then the fear of failure must surely fall far short of all the other reasons for doing so. Without fear there can be no courage...

Stay Strong
Light &

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Full Circle With Michael Palin - Taken To The Testing Place

It seems like lots of things keep coming full circle at the moment.

Loose ends being tied up, old things finally forgotten and forgiven.

Fruition, the fruiting of the season come early, all apples and pears.

Climbing up the steps one by one as gradually things fall into places.

Testing testing one two three.

Hmm if I could list them would they be in order?

Testing my resolve, my certainty, my destination. Flying along and hoping upon hope.
Testing my communication, after I had to own up to being close by when a wall collapsed.
Testing my desire to have everything now, to see if I can truly wait for when the time is right.

Yes this week has been a be careful what you wish for time

When I was wondering when the doldrums would beat it

After i thought perhaps I'd overdone it let slip too much

But afterall I do like the person that you're becoming

Rapidly like we're changing lanes and staying close

One moves forward a bit then the other's turn

Under and over taking what we want

With what we need most

Time and space

Light &

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

You're A Bright Spark Int Ya?

I've been breathing in unconditional love for years now as it's just normal air, the stuff everyone else is breathing in-fused with the endless joy of the Universe. I used to visualise that love filling me up and then overflowing, like a bubble being blown within the Crimson Palace of my heart, as it slowly encompasses first the whole of me then as I focus and name them everyone else in our house, then our next door neighbour, the cottage at the top of the hill, the circle growing more immense with ease spreading out to include more and more of the local area as seen from above, centred on my navel.

The village. The town. The City. Cities. Counties. Countries. Continents.

Before, I would get to southern england and the forcefield would collapse along with my concentration, I became distracted as happens so often with meditation or I would have drifted off to sleep knowing that I've sent my best to a lot of people.


I felt the bubble bursting to inflate. Held on and knew that my goal was to spread my conciousness a little further out into space and time on this occasion. The desire to have the entirety of existence both as source of the love and recipient. I held the notion and my nerve and just let that golden light now not white as usual, fill me up starting from the divine spark within and then shining right out and through me, every pore follicle and orifice exuding golden goodness taking the form of a double golden dome and spreading out exponentially as my thoughts took on board greater and greater regions. Now the planet, the focus on travelling out to spread this love everywhere as the supply and demand grew together including more of the cosmos, the inner planets, the sun, the outer planets, asteroid fields, galaxy, galaxies, everything.

Light &

Monday, 1 August 2011

Navel Gazing


I had the kind of experience that comes on so quickly that you have to hang on for dear life. A white knuckle ride of awesome proportions as I was swept away into a sea of light first white then gold. Holding out my hand and my heart, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You. I thought I was protecting you but I was really returning your love and completing the circuit as energetically I was transformed. Instinct and will and hope combined as I strove forward, my third eye opening like a cut in my flesh that tore slowly torturously as if it was meant to grate like a rusty hinge on a rusty gate. My body became light, not just not heavy but made of light, like a photon being in two places at one time rather than observed matter which is fixed in time and space, loosed on reality. My Navel tugged at like a plunger stuck on a plughole and my abdomen filled with an emptiness as if my internal gubbins was being converted and then shrinking until finger pulled smartly out of cheek pop there is nothing BUT light although I halted proceedings, partly out of fear that there was no return and that I didn't want to completely say goodbye to a little bit of matter of fact.

Waiting to be with some new friends and then we'll go together

Together we make a tribe

Light &