The Flower Of Life (not to be confused with the tree of the same name)
The World I see is different to yours, I can't look at it your way, see it mine
We started free, soon we will be again...
Quoting a website article:- Secession in Africa and the world over has a long interesting history. The trend, which started in Latin America in the early 1820s, has seen the number of countries in the world swell over the years, especially in the last 50 years.
Everyone the world over is becoming free again. Before there were countries, kingdoms, any notion of a male dominance culture, we were born free people. Now those freedoms are given or taken back by people, technology creating greater connectivity between us all, where will it end?
Well the obvious result would be a return to where we came from.
However the slight snags ;) are people like Fifa President Sepp Blatter, almost every so called World Leader, President, Prime Minister, authority figures of any kind are trying to hang on to power that they don't now and never deserved. That struggle has lead to all their advisers looking ahead, projecting future trends across this planet and predicting major problems. They've known this for years, decades even but are stuck in the system that put them there in the first place.
Trust me, they are going to try to look after themselves first and we don't matter at all.
The solutions are drastic to people who want to carry on living the way they are right now.
That's most of you that I'm talking about btw... and me probably although I am quite poor
The poorest must be raised up and the richest taken down from their self imposed pedestals...
Until we are all equal and a position of responsibility, not power, is given to those who merit it
Now, they choose themselves or are put into the wrong place at the right time by others
The Road More Travelled
The hard road, where you tell people what you really think of them, in a nice way, in a time or place where they can accept it without taking it personally. After all you are just telling them what you think of them, not what they are really like, it's your take...
Afterwards they would usually turn on you and find any excuse to ignore and reject what you've just expressed. Because it would be so much more difficult to accept that any of it could be true?
Well no actually, it's much easier in the long run to go the hard route...
I choose long term pain for short term gain in this respect.
I guess it's a bugger having a conscience ;)
I just have to do the right thing
By you, by me, by everybody
Rather than waiting for things to blow up in your face and then dealing with the aftermath,
A little bit of harder work every day makes things run much more smoothly most of the time.
I See What You Mean
I spend quite a bit of time trying to work out what you mean, asking questions and yes probably too many but you love talking about yourself anyway so hey, it works for me ;)
I also try to work out from the little I've got to go on, what I should do, but then I remember, that despite how much I want to be good for other people, it starts with me, number one.
We all love talking about ourselves and our lives, hoping that the respondent is interested and will make us feel better by replying with all sorts of platitudes and basically agree that they are the same. That's great but often they're not that bothered and are just humouring you ;)
When you say the exact thing at the same time as someone, when you say what you think they mean and you are right, when you're on the same wavelength, you really do SEE what they mean. Mouth noises, body language aside, you really do GET what they are saying.
How do you get it? Aren't you just predicting it because you know them well enough?
Like reading a book and having an idea how it ends, being proven right is great.
That's why we like it, that connection doesn't require a lot of face time though.
All you need do is be open and honest, clear and curious for their answer.
Who Like Boys To Be Girls
If you insist on expecting each other to behave in certain ways...
Don't be surprised if you aren't disappointed every time.
Change your outlook, alter how people see you too
Let us be what we are not what you think
Or were told to look for, engender
We are all unique not types
Stop being so lazy
Light &